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Fireball Power Station Convectron

KEMA proef

Assist to get small-scale nuclear fusion off the ground !

Support promising route to a new form of sustainable energy

Participation possible with just 100 euros - you become a co-owner

Convectron experiments at KEMA High Power Laboratory, Arnhem, The Netherlands, 1987

Contact data of the Company and the Issuer

Company:  Convectron Natural Fusion N.V.

Registered office:

2e Korte Baanstraat 3 bis A
3581 BZ Utrecht
The Netherlands
Tel.: +31.6.5339.6605
Email: company[at]convectron[dot]eu

Postal address:

2e Korte Baanstraat 3 bis A
3581 BZ Utrecht
The Netherlands

Issuer:  Stichting Administratiekantoor Convectron Natural Fusion

The Issuer is a shareholding trust foundation.

Email: issuer[at]convectron[dot]eu

Registered address, postal address and phone number of the Isuer are the same as for the Company.

Bank: ABNAMRO rek. nummer (IBAN: NL92 ABNA 0603624472, BIC: ABNANL2A)

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... for   only 100 euros

© 2012-2019 Convectron Natural Fusion N.V. - Rotterdam / Utrecht - The Netherlands